For any individual who drives a company vehicle, commercial auto insurance is a must. It adds a layer of protection to your relationship to your company, in addition to the vehicle itself. What many do not realize, however, is that you can qualify for this type of insurance even if you are merely an individual using their car to conduct business.
There are many businesses and professions that require the use of your personal vehicle for commercial purposes. Why not look into commercial auto insurance as an option? While searching for the right plan can be complicated, providers like For The Insured can ensure that you’re equipped with the right knowledge to secure an insurance policy that will provide you with better protection.
Personal Auto Insurance Coverage can protect you to a certain extent
Personal Auto Insurance is the coverage you get from driving a vehicle for personal purposes. It is designed to cover you for the amount of time you travel every day and will protect you, your passengers, and your property in the event of an accident occurring even while the vehicle is being used for commercial purposes.
Generally, if the professional demands on your vehicle are minimal or occasional, Personal Insurance Coverage will suffice. Some examples of these commercial tasks include:
- Grabbing coffee for your superiors or co-workers on the way to your office
- Driving your personal vehicle to a business meeting
- Traveling to a single job site daily
- Running an errand for your boss.
You might not necessarily need Commercial Auto Insurance if your job demands no more than these simple tasks that do not require extensive use of a vehicle.
When do I need Commercial Auto Insurance?
If you are provided a vehicle for company use or required to use your personal vehicle for extensive commercial use, you might want to inquire with your superiors about the insurance you are provided and the coverage on the vehicle.
If you are self-employed and your work involves the heavy use of your vehicle, Commercial Auto Insurance is definitely something you should look into. Speak with your insurance provider about converting or extending your policy for commercial use, and whether or not you qualify for this coverage.
Generally, these are some qualifying traits for this type of insurance:
- Your job requires you to drive daily to multiple locations
- You haul and deliver commercial goods (pizzas, newspapers, flowers, etc.)
- You transport clients, as a ride-share driver or as a company driver
- Your vehicle is fitted with specialized equipment (hydraulic equipment, cooking and catering equipment in food trucks, etc.)
- Your employees drive your vehicle for work reasons
- Your vehicle is a pickup truck, van, or any utility vehicle over 10,000 pounds
- You travel with expensive equipment and tools.
There are many more possible reasons that can help you qualify for Commercial Auto Insurance, but these are an important few.
In conclusion
It is always important to look into whatever layer of protection you can get, for yourself, your employees, and your property. Commercial Auto Insurance is one such layer of protection that can protect the financial standing of everyone involved, and help cover the damages and injuries that might occur in the event of an accident.
If you are looking for an Florida-based provider of Commercial Auto Insurance, why not send us at For The Insured a message? We have plenty of coverage options for professionals and businesses in every industry.